God’s Glory and Our Joy

Most Christians could tell a story about some pastor or theologian who helped them understand a key truth.  One of my key influences has been John Piper.

For years I struggled to understand the relationship between God’s glory and my happiness.  I knew that two things are true: God is deserving of all glory.  And, second, I knew that I wanted to be happy.  The Bible clearly says that God will show all people that He is the greatest, most glorious God and that there is no other.  And, I knew personally that I wanted a life full of joy.

I just didn’t get how God’s passion for His glory and my desire to be happy fit together.  In fact, I had the sneaking suspicion that the two opposed one another.  On some level I believed that choosing to glorify God in my life would mean less happiness and joy for me.  On the other hand, I thought if I really pursued joy and happiness, I would glorify God less.

Piper helped me see that God’s glory and my joy are not opposed to one another.  Quite the opposite, the Bible teaches that the chief end of every person is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever.  God will be most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him.

My friend, God’s passion for His glory and your desire for joy are not opposed.  On the contrary, these two things work perfectly together.  Take a few minutes this week to meditate deeply on Hebrews 11:6.  Believe that God is real and that He will reward you if you seek Him.