Small Steps Along Deut 6:4-9

Some of our best times together as a family are Bible stories after dinner.  Our youngest is now five, but this story took place when she was three.

Our Bible story at dinner the other night was about Elijah.  My wife makes these beef enchilada things that are really good.  While our four children finished eating their enchiladas I shared with them the story of how Elijah was taken to be with Christ in a chariot of fire.

When I got done with the story, I asked our youngest child what the Bible story was about.  She just turned three so it was not a given that she was plugged into the story, especially since the enchiladas were all over her high chair.  But, with a big smile, Mary Beth said “Elijah.”  She didn’t have many details.  She knew horses and Heaven were involved.  But, everybody else around the table cheered because Mary Beth had listened to the Bible story. 

After that, we prayed around the table.  (Mary Beth almost always prays for her grandmas) and then we sang “This Little Light of Mine.”  She loves those motions.  I don’t know about you, but we aren’t going to let Satan “whuff” it out at our house.

It was a wonderful moment at our house.  Christian parenting doesn’t happen all at once.  At the center, Christian parenting is not about dropping our children off at Sunday School so someone else can do the job.  Raising a child to follow Christ is a long journey made up of short steps.  These steps must include sharing the Word of God.  We all celebrated when Mary Beth took a three year old step along the road, even if it was only to remember that the story was about Elijah.

2 thoughts on “Small Steps Along Deut 6:4-9

  1. What a wonderful story. 🙂

    Some of my favorite memories of my own children are small moments like that too. They are sweet, tender moments where you get to watch something “click” for them. Yes the privilege of teaching our children, I do believe, is one of our greatest gifts from the Lord. What an honor to be able to teach to them what they will one day pass along to their own children.

    To share the love of the Lord with them in small ways every day…to see them start to act on it and share it with others…well there is just no greater joy. Being a Christian parent is getting the pure treasure of looking directly into God’s eyes every day through your child’s.

    In HIS Design~

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