Pastoral Advice for Those Planning to Marry

I recommend that everyone read this post by Andrew Ford.  It is especially important reading for parents of unmarried children and those who are single.

Andrew writes:

It bugs me (and has since I became a pastor) that engaged couples come to me after the reception hall is booked, the rings are purchased, the reception bubbles have been ordered, the bride’s maid’s dresses have been picked, and the menu has been selected.  It bugs me when I’m the last thing on the list, and they come and expect me to wave my magic wand and pronounce that they are married before God and man.

I know that the idea of entering marriage is exciting and wonderful, and it should be, but let’s make sure we do things right.  So in order to get ahead of the engagement curve,  here’s some pastoral counsel for all involved.

  1. Parents.  Its your responsibility to make sure things go well with your kids as they enter this phase of life.  You have to take the lead  early on and develop your kid’s view of marriage and the process of entering matrimony.
  2. Dads.  You have a special responsibility to help your sons and daughters end up with a spouse who is a follower of Jesus.  Don’t leave that up to me!  Don’t make me the bad guy!  You should have this all worked out before they come see me.  This is true for both girls and boys but the manner in which it is done is different for each.  For your daughter – you are the gate keeper.  For  your son – you set the direction for his life like an archer shooting an arrow.  In both cases, you must start when they are two. . .

Click here to read the whole thing.

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