Goals for A New Forgiveness Quiz

If you haven’t done so already, would you take A New Forgiveness Quiz?  If you subscribe to my blog, you will be eligible for a book or a Flip Camera!

I have several goals in writing another forgiveness quiz. They are:

  1. To share the Gospel. Teaching about Christian forgiveness is first and foremost to share the Good News (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
  2. To stimulate Cross-centered thinking about interpersonal conflict. As C.J. Mahaney has pointed out, our next conflict is just around the corner (See here). Someone will wound you soon. You will wound someone soon. For God’s glory, and our joy, it is critical that we rinse our minds with biblical truth on a regular basis. The questions are intentionally provocative, because my goal is for you to think carefully and biblically.
  3. To challenge Christians to live out the Gospel within their local churches. Too many conflicts are tearing local churches apart.  It is essential that local churches work through conflict biblically, for God’s glory and our joy.
  4. To interact with different Christian authors who are shaping Christian thinking about forgiveness. “Iron sharpens iron . . . (Prov 27:17).” Within the quiz, and the series of posts that follow, I will consider what others are saying about forgiveness.
  5. To listen to a wide range of people. With this quiz I hope to collect data from hundreds and even thousands of people about forgiveness. Before going to seminary, I worked in applied statistics for a research based company. There, I grew in my appreciation for data analysis. It is very helpful for me as a pastor and writer to gain a better sense of where people are at in their beliefs about forgiveness.
  6. To get the word out about my book, Unpacking Forgiveness.

3 thoughts on “Goals for A New Forgiveness Quiz

  1. Chris, question #2 in the quiz was a bit fuzzy to me because it didn’t specify God’s forgiveness vs. the forgiveness of people. In other words, no one will be in Hell who has received God’s forgiveness, but there may be some in Hell who have received my forgiveness. Maybe I just didn’t “get” the question. I look forward to reading your thoughts each morning. You have been a great blessing to me!

  2. Susan, several others including my own mother have pointed out the ambiguity of that question. I debated about changing it, but decided not to given that a number of other people have already taken the quiz as it stands. I plan to confess my sins when I post about the answers over the coming weeks.

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