Doug Wilson on the mosque and a different kind of spine

God’s people need the “spine” and character to shine the light of Christ in controversies that arise in the public square.  Doug Wilson effectively points this out in a post regarding the mosque controversy. 

Previously, I pointed to a column by Ross Douthat on the building of a mosque at Ground Zero.  Now, Doug Wilson begins a post on the mosque by noticing:

The proposed Ground Zero mosque provides us with a wonderful case study of public square issues, and of the great need for a new Christendom. And since the opportunities in this situation to gain wisdom are enormous, it is not surprising that just about everybody is refusing to do so. . .

He concludes:

Someone really does need to tell secularist America that her gods are genuinely pathetic. And currently, the Muslims are doing this because the Christians won’t. And the Christians who won’t do this are not so much in need of a different kind of theology as they are in need of a different kind of spine.

Here to read the whole thing.

HT: Tim Challies