Bad Mr. Huckabee, Bad

John Mark Reynolds interacts with the criticism that Mike Huckabee has recently fielded for speaking out against the Islam religion.  For the record, I don’t necessarily Reynold’s critique of Huckabee, but I do appreciate the gist of the post.

Mike Huckabee thinks Islam is wrong and evidently the chattering classes think this is a serious issue.

The Christians of Constantinople cannot use one of the ancient churches of Christendom, because Islamic rulers will not allow it, but Mike Huckabee said something harsh about Islam so he must be rebuked.

The spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, the Ecumenical Patriarch, cannot open a seminary, because the Muslim rulers of his nation will not condone it, but a Fox news commentator said something that offends Muslims so we must attend.

There is no land where Muslims are the majority and Christians are not second-class citizens, but a former Baptist minister publically disagrees with Islam and we must ponder the pain Huckabee may have caused Muslims.

I have friends doing humanitarian work in nations where Islamic tribes enslave Christians, but a former governor of Arkansas was politically incorrect, so Americans must discuss Christian tolerance of Islam.

Read the rest here.

1 thought on “Bad Mr. Huckabee, Bad

  1. Len and I met Mike Huckabee, he’s one of the most genuine men ever, Honesty sometimes hurts, but it’s still honesty.
    I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. We need more men like him running this country.

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