Is the church a participatory democracy?

We have a church decision coming up.  In decisions such as this one (buying additional property), our church believes it is critical to get the input of the congregation for the purpose of unity, wisdom, and acknowledgement of God’s direction.

But we don’t vote because church is a democracy!  James M. Grier states succinctly:

There is no idea in the New Testament that the church is a voluntary organization that is self-governing by a participatory democracy. It is God’s church. He prescribes its aims and functions. He devises its constitution and designs its officers. It is the blood-bought church of Christ. It is His body, not ours, and we can only handle and direct its affairs by the authority of Christ. Only the will of Him in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge is adequate for the direction of the church.

2 thoughts on “Is the church a participatory democracy?

  1. Did you see MacDonald’s piece against congregational government yesterday, and the nine marks response today?

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