Maybe laugh this weekend?

Good for guys like me who sulk occasionally to read Sam Van Eman’s post:

My wife and I hadn’t talked in days. I was in a depressed state of exhaustion and anger after months of unusual hours, a grueling workload and a to-do list that haunted me, despite rather successful attempts to ignore it. Dark thoughts kept me company. Irritability, on the other hand, had closed communication with the one whose support I needed most, a reality that now felt selfishly good.

Wednesday night came, with her on the couch for a sit-com we normally watched together and me invisible and reading on the chair across the room, wishing she weren’t present. Two people who love each other but couldn’t imagine entering the other’s space.

That’s when the main character delivered a humorous line.

Not generically humorous. A line that broke into the room in a way neither of us could ignore. I tried desperately to contain myself . . .

Read the rest here.

HT: Pollywog Creek