A local church is not a local church . . .

The New Testament envisions Christians involved in local assemblies of believers. But, the mandate, the Great Commission that Christ gave to local assemblies was to make disciples not only across the street (though we must do that as well) but also across the ocean. Christ said, “Go into all the Word to make disciples.” If a local church is simply local, then it is not being obedient to the mandate given by our Lord to go into all the world (Matthew 28:18-20 ).

So, a local church (one that looks inwardly only to itself) is not a local church. And nothing invigorates and energizes a local church like being involved in global ministries. And, it’s no wonder, because that’s what God intended.

Never has there been an opportunity for a local church to be less of a local church then there is today. The internet alone offers breathtaking possibilities for communicating with people all over the globe.

2 thoughts on “A local church is not a local church . . .

  1. “Let us believe deeply in the sovereign God of the universe who holds the destiny of the world, and our lives in the palm of His hand. Let us see the hopeless state of man before God apart from Christ, and let us…pray, give, go to unreached people’s with the greatest news in all the world…. And let’s not stop until the slaughtered Lamb of God and the sovereign Lord of all receives the full reward of His sufferings.” David Platt @ T4G 2012.

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