Being Humble Means Saying Sorry First

The Bible says that God gives grace to the humble (Proverbs 3:34).  If we are to receive the grace given to the humble, it often means saying “I am sorry” first.

Don’t you find it relatively easy to apologize if the other humbly approaches you? Going first is the bit that is hard to swallow.

You would never claim perfection in marriage. You just believe your spouse was more wrong; he or she ought to crawling to you before there is resolution. Maybe you clattered your bowl into the kitchen sink and shut the door with a grumpy bang on your way to work this morning, because you thought your spouse should apologize first. What silly games we play.

Or, perhaps, there is a tension between you and someone at church. How much longer will you let the sun go down on your anger? Get over it! A man’s wisdom gives him patience. It is to his glory to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11). Will you be humble enough to say “hello” with a smile on Sunday morning?

Remember Proverbs 3:34 says, “God mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble.”  Let your pride go. God mocks mighty mockers, but blesses the broken.

Do you want a special measure of God’s grace?  Here is what you do. Grab your phone and pound speed dial.  Follow this script, “I am sorry, I was wrong, will you please forgive me.”  Do not, I repeat, “do not,” find yourself continuing after the apology with a criticism of the other person.

You may or may not get a corresponding apology in response.  But, you can be assured of the grace of God at work in your life.  God blesses the broken.

See also Are You an Argumentative Ant and Don’t Fight Fire With Fire and The Seven A’s of Confession by Ken Sande of Peacemaker Ministries.