A Special Prayer Request for My Writing

I would greatly appreciate prayer support for my next book, Bound Together: How We Are Tied to Others in Good and Bad Choices (Zondervan, 2013). The next two weeks will be very important as final macro-edits are made.

The book focuses on what I call the principle of the rope (theologians call this corporate solidarity). The principle of the rope is the truth that we are not isolated individuals. We are bound to one another. The ultimate negative example of the principle of the rope is original sin. Because of Adam’s sin, we are all born guilty. The ultimate positive example of the principle of the rope is union with Christ. The principle of the rope is also foundational to understanding the doctrine of the Church and the family.

Like most people, I hesitate to ask for prayer request in this sort of forum. But when I consider the importance of these doctrines and my inability to do this apart from God’s help (Zechariah 4:6), I am inclined to ask for your prayers.

Right now, the decisions that I am making, along with wonderful editorial help, have to do with how to most effectively engage the reader. So I would, specifically, ask for wisdom in decisions about how to finalize chapters. Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom regarding how to most effectively capture the attention of readers and that He would use this book to help people clarify the understanding of central doctrines for people in the pew.

I would also ask for physical strength. Writing takes so much out of me in terms of sitting at my computer – – arms, wrists, and neck are not designed for so much repetitive motion.

8 thoughts on “A Special Prayer Request for My Writing

  1. Hey Chris:
    Will be sure to pray, brother. Thanks for asking!
    Curious: You dealing at all with imago Dei as a point of identity between all humans (on the positive side of the scale)?

  2. Thank you for letting us know how to best be lifting you up right now, Chris! I will be praying for these specifics for you!

  3. We will pray for you, Chris. I am really looking forward to reading this. I know it’s going to bless the church! Keep up the good work! God is with you!

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