Cornelius Van Til the Apologist

Feel like stretching your mind a bit? Spend a few minutes reading about one of the most important theological thinkers in the last 100 years.

An excerpt from John Frame’s summary of Van Til:

Van Til’s studies of philosophical Idealism convinced him that all human thought is governed by presuppositions. (Hence, Van Til is sometimes called a “presuppositionalist,” though he was not enthusiastic about that label.) Ultimate presuppositions, he believed, cannot be proved by usual methods, since they serve as the basis of all proof. But they can be proved “transcendentally,” by showing that they are necessary for all rational thought and must be true if there is to be any meaning or order in the world. Van Til sought to reconstruct Christian apologetics so that it would establish the Christian God as the presupposition of human thought, rather than one rational conclusion among many.

Read the whole thing here.

2 thoughts on “Cornelius Van Til the Apologist

  1. So the article by Trevin Wax is certainly a great example of what Van Til proposed. Irrationality masquerading as rationality.

    I’m partial to Van Til’s approach.

  2. What a mystery that so many commented on the article about yawning over the gospel and so little here. Probably everybody’s just busy.

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