The Twelve Biggest Challenges Pastors and Church Staff Face

4 thoughts on “The Twelve Biggest Challenges Pastors and Church Staff Face

  1. #1says apathy and internal focus… After being in ministry for 20years the author of that comment says about his people that they are apathetic and full of themselves… Do I really want a pastor who thinks that of me but cannot motivate me beyond what he sees? Who is this person that is supposed to be my leader, my role model and my teacher in the church ? Who is he to lay blame on me who listens to him at least weekly who is taught by him and who follows his example…. I personally found the comments on the survey self serving , blaming and a way to put off the Pastors’ ineptitude to do his job of leading the flock

  2. As an aside. The comments following imparted more wisdom than the comments responding to the survey

  3. Susan, thanks for your response. Of course, it’s not one or the other: the pastor’s fault or the people’s. There are times when the problem with inwardly focused people is not the pastor’s fault- -after all, we have John 6:65-69. But we pastors do have to look inward as well!

    I answered the poll by saying I thought not keeping the mission central (and being inwardly focused) is the biggest challenge I face as a pastor. But I would say it’s our challenge together.

    Having said that, I would agree with you that pastors need to watch out and not fall into pity parties!

    Thanks for your comment.

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