We Need A Vision for Revival!

I am praying that God uses my series on the Holy Spirit to give our church a new vision for revival. The below interviews will help us start praying for revival with excitement.

Let’s pray:

Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down,
that the mountains might quake at your presence—
as when fire kindles brushwood
and the fire causes water to boil—
to make your name known to your adversaries,
and that the nations might tremble at your presence! (Isaiah 64:1-2 ESV)

Start with Collin Hansen’s thoughts in a vision for revival and then move to the longer interview with Tim Keller and Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Christianity.com: What is revival and why should we seek it?-Collin Hansen from christianitydotcom2 on GodTube.

Lord, Do It Again! from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

2 thoughts on “We Need A Vision for Revival!

  1. I would like to listen to your sermon series on the Holy Spirit. How do I find them? Very good post. Far too often, I see us trying to organize revival, setting up “events” and inviting big names or successful names- all very exciting, but generally it doesn’t last.

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