What Happened on February 19 of 1546, the day after “Israel’s charioteer fell”

Luther died on February 18 of 1546, 464 years ago yesterday.  The news didn’t reach Wittenberg until the following day. Heiko Oberman: The town and university were totally unprepared for the news.  It was early morning, and as usual during…

It’s Saturday. Would you follow Luther’s example and tell one of your children or grandchildren a story?

Luther was away from home in Coburg when his oldest son Hans turned four.  As a birthday card, he sent this story to his son. I know a beautiful lovely garden.  There are many children in it with golden garments,…

Ever the Tactful One, Luther Explains to Erasmus Why The Delay In Writing The Bondage of the Will

I suspect that many people who would call themselves “Reformed” in their theology, have never actually read much that Luther wrote.  If you want to get started, The Bondage of the Will, would be a good place to begin. At…